Energy audit is a voluntary energy audits, conducted at the request of the consumer of fuel and energy resources. The main purpose of the survey is to assess the effectiveness of existing electrical systems, heating and water supply. In the process of analysis and research produced the most favorable in terms of austerity measures aimed at reducing the financial costs.
Having made the decision to order an energy audit, you will receive detailed answers to such important questions as:
- Are there any on-site locations where power consumption (heat, electricity, water) is ineffective and why exactly this happens?
- As far as loss of data is critical to the building at the moment and they will change in the near future? If so, in what direction?
- There measures by which to improve the performance of energy efficiency?
- How much will cost roughly the necessary arrangements?
- The priority sequence of the implementation of measures under the temporary financial difficulties?
In “NMA” You can order an audit of electrical equipment, laboratory investigations, measurement of insulation resistance, as well as professional installation of electrical equipment. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals who will cope with any task. Ask your question and get detailed information about our services you can call our manager or by visiting the office.